
One Knock to Enter a New World

Green doors. Blue doors. White doors and brown doors. Not one is the same as another. Iron handles with swirling, steel designs. Knots of wood. Sturdy and reliable stone frames, never giving in to weather or unwanted guests. But what are doors there for? For opening us up to a new world, a new opportunity, or a new friend?

During my time here in Morocco, I have seen a plethora of doors and have been amazed by each one, whether open or closed. Being here has opened a new door for me, and this experience will shape me into the person I am meant to become. I used to look at closed doors as something that I shouldn’t open or dare to walk into. They were frightening things that should be walked away from. It’s hard to change your ways. Things feel comfortable and easy in your own little bubble.

But sometimes it is necessary to step into discomfort and fling open that new door. I didn’t know how much this trip would mean to me until I was here, fully immersed in the culture and my new way of life. This new door might only be open for four or so months, but that doesn’t mean it has to close behind me or that another one won’t be ahead of me, waiting for me to knock. And that’s really all it takes. One knock to enter a new world, one knock to throw yourself into something new, one knock to meet with a new friend. One knock is all it takes to make yourself a different person.

Logan Bedell is a Nursing major at the University of New England.

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